A stack is a data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle, which means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Some common use cases for stacks include:
Implementing undo/redo functionality: A stack can be used to keep track of the previous states of a document or application, allowing the user to undo and redo actions.
Balancing symbols: A stack can be used to check whether a given expression, such as a mathematical or programming expression, has balanced symbols.
Memory management in a computer's operating system: A stack is used in the process of memory management to keep track of the memory location of different functions and variables.
Backtracking: A stack can be used to keep track of the path taken in a search algorithm, so that it can be easily backtracked when the algorithm reaches a dead end.
Function calls and returns: A stack is used to keep track of function calls and returns, allowing the program to return to the correct location after a function has been executed.
Recursive function calls: When a function calls itself multiple times, a stack is used to keep track of the different function calls, so that the program can return to the correct location when the recursion ends.
Web Browser History: A stack is used to keep track of the history of websites that the user has visited, allowing them to go back to previous pages by clicking the "back" button.