CSS selectors

CSS selectors

What is a CSS selector?

CSS selectors are used to target the HTML elements on our web pages that we want to style.

h1 {
  color: red;
  background-color: black;
p {
  color: aqua;

h1 is a CSS Selector , it targets the h1 element

text color=red ,background_color =black will apply to h1 elements.

** CSS selector Types **


Basic selectors

  • Universal selector: Selects all elements , The CSS universal selector (*) matches elements of any type.
* {
  color: blueviolet;

  • **type selector ** It selects all elements of the given type within a Html document.
span {
  background-color: skyblue;

  • Class selector Selects all elements that have the given class attribute.
.container {
    background-color: aqua;

  • ID selector The CSS ID selector matches an element based on the value of the element's id attribute.
#name_input {
  background-color:#1f1f1f ;

  • Attribute selector The CSS attribute selector matches elements based on the presence or value of a given attribute.
a[href$=".org"] {
  color: red;
/*Links that end in ".org"  are red.*/

Grouping selectors

  • The ,(comma) selector is a grouping method that selects all the matching nodes. Example: div, span will match both span and div elements.
div,span {
  color: aqua;


  • ** Descendant combinator ** The " " (space) combinator selects nodes that are descendants of the first element. Example: div span will match all **span **elements that are inside a div element.
div span {
  color: aqua;
  • Child combinator The > combinator selects nodes that are direct children of the first element. Example: ul > li will match all li elements that are nested directly inside a ul element.
    background-color: aquamarine;
  • General sibling combinator The ~ combinator selects siblings. This means that the second element follows the first (though not necessarily immediately), and both share the same parent. Example: p ~ span will match all span elements that follow a p, immediately or not.
span ~ p{
    background-color: azure;
  • Adjacent sibling combinator

The + combinator matches the second element only if it immediately follows the first element. Example: h2 + p will match the first p element that immediately follow an h2 element.

    background-color: azure;


-** Pseudo classes** The : pseudo allow the selection of elements based on state information that is not contained in the document tree. Example: a:visited will match all a elements that have been visited by the user.

a:visited {
  color: yellow;

-** Pseudo elements** The :: pseudo represent entities that are not included in HTML. Example: p::first-line formats the first line of the text in all


p::first-line {
    font-size: 1.2em;

Further reading:Mdn Web Docs : CSS Selectors